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STOP NATO (1404 bytes)

Some facts:

Fact: In WWI Albanians cross into Kingdom of Serbia slaughter retreating Serbian army who was chased relentlessly by the Germans.

Fact:  300.000 Albanians were moved to Kosovo during the WWII by German and Italian Nazi occupying force in Yugoslavia in which way the Nazi's expressed their gratitude to Albanians in helping them slaughter Yugoslav army. After the war they were allowed to stay in Yugoslavia when their own country Albania was clinched into the Stalinist eastern block.

Fact: In the past 50 years scores of Albanians crossed illegally into Yugoslavia in the Serbian region of Kosovo driven away by poverty and repression in their own country. Large proportion of them still do not have legal residential status in Serbia. 

Fact: 400.000 Serbs were gradually forced to leave their properties in Kosovo under death threats from the Albanian separatist who have envisioned to create a Great Albania out of Kosovo.

Fact: Kosovo has always been part of Serbia. In 1363 Kingdom of Serbia lost the war defending Christianity from Islamic fundamentalism against Turkish empire, not some imaginary Muslims as TV reports nowadays. Serbian Christian Orthodox Church was founded in Kosovo. Hundreds of Monasteries throughout Kosovo dating back to 12th century mark the very essence of Serbian existence and suffering Serbian people have endured and still do today centuries after.

Fact: Double standards: Serbia has now 800.000 Serbian refugees from Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo. They have fled their homes before they were burned to the ground by Croatian revived Nazi paramilitary forces and Bosnian Muslims.  In 1995 the whole world watched when 250.000 Serbs were forced to flee their homes in Croatia and go to Serbia in just 6 days. Croatian forces stormed in, burned their homes and slaughtered several thousand old people who were too weak to take refuge. No eyebrow ever raised and certainly Croatia was not bombed for the massacres.

Fact: Double standards: In 1991 Bulgaria expels 200.000 ethnic Turks also Muslims from their country in two months. No rockets were flying on Bulgaria's capital.

Fact: Double Standards: In Algeria to date over 200.000 people had their throat cut in an ongoing civil war but somehow this fails to attract attention of the US administration.

Fact: Croatians slaughtered 700.000 Serbs during WWII along with Jews and Gypsies. Serbs were for Croats as what the Jews were for Hitler.

Fact: Serbs lived in the region called Croatia nowadays for centuries. Before 1991. Over 500.000 Serbs were still there. Nowadays several thousand remain and they have to call themselves Croats if they want to stay. Their possessions and properties were either destroyed or looted by Croatians.

Fact: Slovenia decides to leave from Yugoslavia and does so in 1991. Croatia votes ultraextremists to govern, financed from WWII criminals in South America, Australia and North America. They decide to break out within administrative borders including the regions 95% populated with Serbs. Serbs fear the newly formed government especially when they adopt WWII Nazi flag to be the National flag. Under that flag hundreds of thousands of Serbs were slaughtered and the memories were to fresh. Croatia indeed launches attacks on townships and villages and Starts slaughtering the civilians. Those who fled and survived take arms against the Croats. In conclusion in 1999 only several thousand Serbs live in Croatia. No NATO strikes were ever ordered against the Croats.

Fact: KLA Kosovo Liberation Army is not a political organisation. It is a terrorist group armed and financed by Albanians overseas, especially in the US, who started their terrorist attacks on police forces in Kosovo and want independence for Kosovo. Police have returned fire as everyone would expect. The tragedy does exist that innocent Albanians have to flea their homes because KLA uses them to fire at the police. The arms are being shipped to Kosovo through Albania with  the help of the US.  

Question: Why is US so interested in Serbia? What are the National interests of Americans across the Atlantic in a small country of Serbia? Well no one seems to give an answer. Facts are that the US has military presence or approved use of land sea and air from all of the countries in Europe today except in Serbia and Russia. The Wars in the Balkans have played very good for the US. They made lot of money in arms trading. They have created puppet states they can easily control. And most importantly they've managed to manufacture a new role that NATO will play so it doesn't have to be disformed. Since the collapse of the Cold war NATO was made obsolete and the tax payers were asking questions why should they pay for it when the threat is over. Questions certainly difficult to answer. By supporting separatism in Europe the US have benefited in creating controllable puppet states and have fabricated a new role for their huge bureaucratic and military apparatus which was about to be dissolved.

Fact: "Peace Talks" are not talks at all. The document presented to Yugoslavia is not open to changes as the US has stated all the time - it is on take it or leave it basis. If Yugoslavs reject it they will be bombed. There are no talks, just a signature of accepting the ultimatum presented by the US.

Fact: "Peace Deal" is not a deal between the Yugoslavian government and Albanians. It has been written by 16 US lawyers. The "Deal" calls for forming Albanian police, withdrawal of Serbian police, Withdrawal of Yugoslavian army from Kosovo and from the border with Albania, Albanian judicial system separate from the Serbian, Albanian parliament separate to Serbian, addition of unspecified annexes, after three years the right for Albanians to hold a referendum on independence. Further to that Yugoslavia is forced to accept the presence of foreign troops within Yugoslavia's border. No Country can accept that and no president of Serbia Milosevic or anyone else has the authority to sign the capitulation of Yugoslavia.

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