Dalibor Lanik Home Page - About this page...
Tools used to create my home-page and it's purpose...
Page: | The purpose of this homepage... |
This site started mainly as a "billboard" for my friends and relatives all over the world, which had to flee Serbia because of the U.N. sanctions imposed against Serbia and war in neighboring countries and this was a way for us to communicate quickly. I also like to make new friends, so You're invited to browse through this page and find more about me...
Later, I expanded "billboard" with a bit info on me, and a couple pictures of Belgrade (my hometown). Then I got this idea that I should also create pages for topics of interest like SF and Music (unfortunately still in construction). By that time I had around twenty pages and a system of navigation was necessary; and I started by including front and back arrows on each page and home button, but since I kept changing site layout very often, a lot of work was necessary to adjust all changes in navigation and this model didn't prove too practical. So I decided to get advantage from using frames and JavaScript. Phew! I'm still not sure wheather I achieved something or this "system" I'm using is way too complicated... I mean - all would be well if one method would work with both Netscape Navigator and MSIE... Well, if You tried JavaScript, You know what I'm talking about...
Anyway, the concept was decided, and is in use: You have 3 frames, upper and left ones for navigation, and the right frame to display the contents (You can switch off left frame). Later I had the idea of adding automatic logon to RocketMail, since I use it a lot, and, hey, why not, maybe even a new form for my favorite search engine...
It worked (at least I hope so) - as You can see. Today I have forms to use 16 search engines and 8 Web-based E-Mail services. And all with a simple click of a mouse in the upper frame.
Page: | Tools used in creation of this page... |
All pages were (are) created with Netscape Navigator Gold Editor (in the begining), Miscrosoft Front Page Express and (lately) Microsoft FrontPage 98. Manual touch-ups to the HTML code are done with NotePad Plus. All images are edited with Paint Shop Pro 4/5, animated GIFs with Photoimpact GIF animator Beta 1. My preffered browser is Netscape Navigator Gold (small and simple, unlike IE4 or Communicator), and I use MultiDial 1.1 to connect to the internet. OS installed was Windows 95 Service Pack 2, now Windows 98. The hardware used was an now-outdated Pentium 166Mhz computer with 32Mb EDO RAM, 2.4Gb EIDE hard disk, internal Iomega ZIP 100Mb drive, 8xCD ROM drive, SoundBlaster 16, ATI Rage II graphics card (1024*768*16bpp), 15" ADI monitor, Microsoft mouse, KeyTronic keyboard. Modem used is USR Courier Dual Standard. In the mean time, I upgraded to Pentium III 800Mhz/256Mb RAM 52x CD-ROM, 32Mb TNT2 graphics card and changed modem to 3COM USRobotics 56K Voice Faxmodem. My Internet provider is Video-On-Line CZ.